View Job Seekers Without a Résumé
Use this screen to display all applicants who created a job seeker account but did not complete the application/résumé profile form.
To view the list of job seekers:
- Click
- On the Search Résumés screen, click the View Job Seekers Without a Résumé button.
If necessary, refine the displayed résumé listing:
- Click the Filter button.
- Click the Send a Letter bulk action if you want to send an email to one or more of individuals in the list.
- Click the name of the applicant if you want to view the Résumé Dashboard. However, the information that you can see on the dashboard is limited to the details that were completed when the applicant created the job seeker account.
- Click Edit if you want to update the applicant’s account information and/or enter the résumé details manually. After you have completed the required fields on this form, Deltek Talent will consider the applicant information complete and the individual will no longer appear in the Job Seekers Without a Résumé table.
Parent Topic: Searching for Résumés